API Reference


FuncArgParser(*args, **kwargs)

Subclass of an argument parser that get’s parts of the information

class FuncArgParser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: argparse.ArgumentParser

Subclass of an argument parser that get’s parts of the information from a given function


*args,**kwargs – Theses arguments are determined by the argparse.ArgumentParser base class. Note that by default, we use a argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter class for the formatter_class keyword, whereas the argparse.ArgumentParser uses a argparse.HelpFormatter

Other Parameters
  • epilog_sections (list of str) – The default sections to use for the epilog (see the epilog_sections attribute). They can also be specified each time the setup_args() method is called

  • epilog_formatter ({‘header’, ‘bold’, ‘rubric’} or function) – Specify how the epilog sections should be formatted and defaults to the epilog_formatter attribute. This can either be a string out of ‘header’, ‘bold’, or ‘rubric’ or a callable (i.e. function) that takes two arguments, the section title and the section text, and returns a string.


    Use section headers such as:


    Just make a bold header for the section, e.g. **Notes**


    Use a rubric rst directive, e.g. .. rubric:: Notes


add_subparsers(*args, **kwargs)

Add subparsers to this parser


Create and add the arguments

extract_as_epilog(text[, sections, …])

Extract epilog sections from the a docstring

format_bold(section, text)

Make a bold formatting for the section header

format_epilog_section(section, text)

Format a section for the epilog by inserting a format

format_heading(section, text)

format_rubric(section, text)

Make a bold formatting for the section header

get_param_doc(doc, param)

Get the documentation and datatype for a parameter


Convenience method to get a certain subparser

grouparg(arg[, my_arg, parent_cmds])

Grouper function for chaining subcommands

parse2func([args, func])

Parse the command line arguments to the setup function


Parse the argument directly to the function used for setup

parse_known2func([args, func])

Parse the command line arguments to the setup function

parse_known_args([args, namespace])


Parse the argument directly to the function used for setup

setup_subparser([func, setup_as, insert_at, …])

Create a subparser with the name of the given function

Modification methods

append2help(arg, s)

Append the given string to the help of argument arg

pop_arg(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a previously defined argument from the parser

pop_key(arg, key, *args, **kwargs)

Delete a previously defined key for the add_argument

update_arg(arg[, if_existent])

Update the add_argument data for the given parameter


Update the long optional arguments (those with two leading ‘-‘)


Update the short optional arguments (those with one leading ‘-‘)

Decorator methods

append2helpf(arg, s)

Append the given string to the help of argument arg

pop_argf(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a previously defined argument from the parser via decorators

pop_keyf(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a previously defined key for the add_argument

setup_args([func, setup_as, insert_at, …])

Add the parameters from the given func to the parameter settings

update_argf(arg, **kwargs)

Update the arguments as a decorator


Update the long optional arguments belonging to a function


Update the short optional arguments belonging to a function



The formatter specification for the epilog.


The sections to extract from a function docstring that should be used in the epilog of this parser.


The unfinished arguments after the setup

add_subparsers(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add subparsers to this parser

append2help(arg, s)[source]

Append the given string to the help of argument arg

  • arg (str) – The function argument

  • s (str) – The string to append to the help

append2helpf(arg, s)[source]

Append the given string to the help of argument arg

  • arg (str) – The function argument

  • s (str) – The string to append to the help


Create and add the arguments


subparsers (bool) – If True, the arguments of the subparsers are also created

epilog_formatter = 'heading'

The formatter specification for the epilog. This can either be a string out of ‘header’, ‘bold’, or ‘rubric’ or a callable (i.e. function) that takes two arguments, the section title and the section text, and returns a string.


Use section headers such as:


Just make a bold header for the section, e.g. **Notes**


Use a rubric rst directive, e.g. .. rubric:: Notes


When building a sphinx documentation using the sphinx-argparse module, this value should be set to 'bold' or 'rubric'! Just add this two lines to your conf.py:

import funcargparse
funcargparse.FuncArgParser.epilog_formatter = 'rubric'
epilog_sections = ['Notes', 'References']

The sections to extract from a function docstring that should be used in the epilog of this parser. See also the setup_args() method

extract_as_epilog(text, sections=None, overwrite=False, append=True)[source]

Extract epilog sections from the a docstring

  • text – The docstring to use

  • sections (list of str) – The headers of the sections to extract. If None, the epilog_sections attribute is used

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite the existing epilog

  • append (bool) – If True, append to the existing epilog

static format_bold(section, text)[source]

Make a bold formatting for the section header

format_epilog_section(section, text)[source]

Format a section for the epilog by inserting a format

static format_heading(section, text)[source]
static format_rubric(section, text)[source]

Make a bold formatting for the section header

static get_param_doc(doc, param)[source]

Get the documentation and datatype for a parameter

This function returns the documentation and the argument for a napoleon like structured docstring doc

  • doc (str) – The base docstring to use

  • param (str) – The argument to use


  • str – The documentation of the given param

  • str – The datatype of the given param


Convenience method to get a certain subparser


name (str) – The name of the subparser


The subparsers corresponding to name

Return type


grouparg(arg, my_arg=None, parent_cmds=[])[source]

Grouper function for chaining subcommands

  • arg (str) – The current command line argument that is parsed

  • my_arg (str) – The name of this subparser. If None, this parser is the main parser and has no parent parser

  • parent_cmds (list of str) – The available commands of the parent parsers


The grouping key for the given arg or None if the key does not correspond to this parser or this parser is the main parser and does not have seen a subparser yet

Return type

str or None


Quite complicated, there is no real need to deal with this function

parse2func(args=None, func=None)[source]

Parse the command line arguments to the setup function

This method parses the given command line arguments to the function used in the setup_args() method to setup up this parser

  • args (list) – The list of command line arguments

  • func (function) – An alternative function to use. If None, the last function or the one specified through the setup_as parameter in the setup_args() is used.


What ever is returned by the called function

Return type



This method does not cover subparsers!


Parse the argument directly to the function used for setup

This function parses the command line arguments to the function that has been used for the setup_args().


args (list) – The arguments parsed to the parse_args() function


The namespace with mapping from command name to the function return

Return type


parse_known2func(args=None, func=None)[source]

Parse the command line arguments to the setup function

This method parses the given command line arguments to the function used in the setup_args() method to setup up this parser

  • args (list) – The list of command line arguments

  • func (function or str) – An alternative function to use. If None, the last function or the one specified through the setup_as parameter in the setup_args() is used.


  • object – What ever is returned by the called function

  • list – The remaining command line arguments that could not be interpreted


This method does not cover subparsers!

parse_known_args(args=None, namespace=None)[source]

Parse the argument directly to the function used for setup

This function parses the command line arguments to the function that has been used for the setup_args() method.


args (list) – The arguments parsed to the parse_args() function


  • argparse.Namespace – The namespace with mapping from command name to the function return

  • list – The remaining arguments that could not be interpreted

See also


pop_arg(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete a previously defined argument from the parser

pop_argf(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete a previously defined argument from the parser via decorators

Same as pop_arg() but it can be used as a decorator

pop_key(arg, key, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete a previously defined key for the add_argument

pop_keyf(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete a previously defined key for the add_argument

Same as pop_key() but it can be used as a decorator

setup_args(func=None, setup_as=None, insert_at=None, interprete=True, epilog_sections=None, overwrite=False, append_epilog=True)[source]

Add the parameters from the given func to the parameter settings

  • func (function) – The function to use. If None, a function will be returned that can be used as a decorator

  • setup_as (str) – The attribute that shall be assigned to the function in the resulting namespace. If specified, this function will be used when calling the parse2func() method

  • insert_at (int) – The position where the given func should be inserted. If None, it will be appended at the end and used when calling the parse2func() method

  • interprete (bool) – If True (default), the docstrings are interpreted and switches and lists are automatically inserted (see the [interpretation-docs]

  • epilog_sections (list of str) – The headers of the sections to extract. If None, the epilog_sections attribute is used

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite the existing epilog and the existing description of the parser

  • append_epilog (bool) – If True, append to the existing epilog


Either the function that can be used as a decorator (if func is None), or the given func itself.

Return type



Use this method as a decorator:

>>> @parser.setup_args
... def do_something(a=1):
    Just an example

    a: int
        A number to increment by one
    return a + 1
>>> args = parser.parse_args('-a 2'.split())

Or by specifying the setup_as function:

>>> @parser.setup_args(setup_as='func')
... def do_something(a=1):
    Just an example

    a: int
        A number to increment by one
    return a + 1
>>> args = parser.parse_args('-a 2'.split())
>>> args.func is do_something
>>> parser.parse2func('-a 2'.split())




setup_subparser(func=None, setup_as=None, insert_at=None, interprete=True, epilog_sections=None, overwrite=False, append_epilog=True, return_parser=False, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a subparser with the name of the given function

Parameters are the same as for the setup_args() function, other parameters are parsed to the add_subparsers() method if (and only if) this method has not already been called.

  • func (function) – The function to use. If None, a function will be returned that can be used as a decorator

  • setup_as (str) – The attribute that shall be assigned to the function in the resulting namespace. If specified, this function will be used when calling the parse2func() method

  • insert_at (int) – The position where the given func should be inserted. If None, it will be appended at the end and used when calling the parse2func() method

  • interprete (bool) – If True (default), the docstrings are interpreted and switches and lists are automatically inserted (see the [interpretation-docs]

  • epilog_sections (list of str) – The headers of the sections to extract. If None, the epilog_sections attribute is used

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite the existing epilog and the existing description of the parser

  • append_epilog (bool) – If True, append to the existing epilog

  • return_parser (bool) – If True, the create parser is returned instead of the function

  • name (str) – The name of the created parser. If None, the function name is used and underscores ('_') are replaced by minus ('-')

  • **kwargs – Any other parameter that is passed to the add_parser method that creates the parser


Either the function that can be used as a decorator (if func is None), or the given func itself. If return_parser is True, the created subparser is returned

Return type

FuncArgParser or function


Use this method as a decorator:

>>> from funcargparser import FuncArgParser

>>> parser = FuncArgParser()

>>> @parser.setup_subparser
... def my_func(my_argument=None):
...     pass

>>> args = parser.parse_args('my-func -my-argument 1'.split())
unfinished_arguments = {}

The unfinished arguments after the setup

update_arg(arg, if_existent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Update the add_argument data for the given parameter

  • arg (str) – The name of the function argument

  • if_existent (bool or None) – If True, the argument is updated. If None (default), the argument is only updated, if it exists. Otherwise, if False, the given **kwargs are only used if the argument is not yet existing

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments any parameter for the argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() method

update_argf(arg, **kwargs)[source]

Update the arguments as a decorator

  • arg (str) – The name of the function argument

  • if_existent (bool or None) – If True, the argument is updated. If None (default), the argument is only updated, if it exists. Otherwise, if False, the given **kwargs are only used if the argument is not yet existing

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments any parameter for the argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() method


Use this method as a decorator:

>>> from funcargparser import FuncArgParser

>>> parser = FuncArgParser()

>>> @parser.update_argf('my_argument', type=int)
... def my_func(my_argument=None):
...     pass

>>> args = parser.parse_args('my-func -my-argument 1'.split())

>>> isinstance(args.my_argument, int)

See also



Update the long optional arguments (those with two leading ‘-‘)

This method updates the short argument name for the specified function arguments as stored in unfinished_arguments


**kwargs – Keywords must be keys in the unfinished_arguments dictionary (i.e. keywords of the root functions), values the long argument names



>>> parser.update_long(something='s', something_else='se')

is basically the same as:

>>> parser.update_arg('something', long='s')
>>> parser.update_arg('something_else', long='se')

which in turn is basically comparable to:

>>> parser.add_argument('--s', dest='something', ...)
>>> parser.add_argument('--se', dest='something_else', ...)

Update the long optional arguments belonging to a function

This method acts exactly like update_long() but works as a decorator (see update_arg() and update_argf())


**kwargs – Keywords must be keys in the unfinished_arguments dictionary (i.e. keywords of the root functions), values the long argument names


The function that can be used as a decorator

Return type



Use this method as a decorator:

>>> @parser.update_shortf(something='s', something_else='se')
... def do_something(something=None, something_else=None):
...     ...

See also the examples in update_long().


Update the short optional arguments (those with one leading ‘-‘)

This method updates the short argument name for the specified function arguments as stored in unfinished_arguments


**kwargs – Keywords must be keys in the unfinished_arguments dictionary (i.e. keywords of the root functions), values the short argument names



>>> parser.update_short(something='s', something_else='se')

is basically the same as:

>>> parser.update_arg('something', short='s')
>>> parser.update_arg('something_else', short='se')

which in turn is basically comparable to:

>>> parser.add_argument('-s', '--something', ...)
>>> parser.add_argument('-se', '--something_else', ...)

Update the short optional arguments belonging to a function

This method acts exactly like update_short() but works as a decorator (see update_arg() and update_argf())


**kwargs – Keywords must be keys in the unfinished_arguments dictionary (i.e. keywords of the root functions), values the short argument names


The function that can be used as a decorator

Return type



Use this method as a decorator:

>>> @parser.update_shortf(something='s', something_else='se')
... def do_something(something=None, something_else=None):
...     ...

See also the examples in update_short().